
Language Points

Guugu Yimithirr

This is the oldest site in Queensland, many think it is around 40,000 years old (look at The Oldest Sites in the Country for more information). There are several rock shelters and caves in this area, which was an important base when the climate was at its driest, since water is available year round. There are important initiation sites here and spiritual places that are sacred both on top of the mountain and at its base. Rock art is also present.


This is the oldest site in Queensland, many think it is around 40,000 years old (look at The Oldest Sites in the Country for more information). There are several rock shelters and caves in this area, which was an important base when the climate was at its driest, since water is available year round. There are important initiation sites here and spiritual places that are sacred both on top of the mountain and at its base. Rock art is also present.

Image from: Wikimedia Commons. [Permissions TBD]