Ngarrabullgan Cave
Ngarrabullgan Marrbugan

Photo of Ngarrabullgin’s escarpment. Taken by Bruce White, July 2006. From:
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Guugu Yimithirr
Nurrabulgin/Ngarrabullgan warra yabarraban manyjal 100 km guwaar-guwaar Cairnsngun. Nhagala warra mugul-buthun bamawi bubu nganhthaan binaal use-im-gurray Queenslandbi. Thana scientistsngun nhaamaalma bamaal start-use-im-gurrali nambal nganggurrngay thaawilil Nurrabuligin Cave – Nurrabuligin Marrbugan gurra Nonda Rock – Nonda Manyjal wali 40,000 years ago. Nhila-ngarraalgu bubu thabulthabul gurra bubu guurrbi bubu gujinngu, thana Kuku Djungan bama. Guunduu-guunduu bama gurra warrgaaygungu kilometers waliyimu bubuungu milbingay warrga wunaa.
Ngarrabullgan is a large tabletop mountain about 100km west of Cairns. It is the oldest cultural site we know people have used in Queensland. Scientists think that people have been using the rock shelters called Ngarrabullgan Cave and Nonda Rock for at least 40,000 years. Still today it is a sacred place for the traditional owners, the Kuku Djungan people. Many people for hundreds of kilometres around have stories about this place.